While Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) has taken a lead in development of electric vehicles (EVs) by buying the majority stake in Reva Electric Car Company, other car makers are also developing concept vehicles to cater to the emerging demand for EVs in India in the years to come.
At the moment, that demand is still quite small. By industry estimates, less than five per cent of the passenger car market in India would comprise electric cars over the next five-seven years, at 1,75,000 units, when the industry size would double to 3.5 million units, as against over 1.6 million in 2009. Globally, it is anticipated that by 2020, five per cent or nearly two million cars would be EVs.
Maruti Suzuki India, country’s largest passenger car manufacturer, had showcased the SX4 hybrid and an electric vehicle on the platform of its recently launched Eeco. Its Japanese parent, Suzuki Motor Corporation, already has an electric van called Every+ and a plug-in hybrid version of Swift. In fact, Maruti is also developing some demo cars, both hybrids and EVs, for the coming Commonwealth Games and it feels these vehicles could be used for future development of EVs.
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