Monday, 21 June 2010

An Esoteric Presentation On Electric Bikes In India

This Article was shared by one of EVHUB's esteemed visitors Mr. G.Raghavan via email. 

"Just like food and water, personnel mobility is a necessity of human existence
Poor and developing nations like India depend largely on I/C engine for 2wheeler for the mobility of it's working n middle class .As a result of this India has emerged as the largest manufacturer of 2 W bikes/scooters in the world (even over taking china-incidentally 12 provinces of china has banned the use of I/c engine)
Basically I/C engine vehicle offers convenience, low cost; range also does not require grid power, the fall out of this
a)      Many players have emerged as manufacturers
b)      Created well established service net work
c)      Development of component suppliers
d)      Created skill jobs locally
The negatives:-
a)      Energy conversion in I/C engines is only 20% on calorific value
b)      Spews large quantities of carbon di oxide an environment threat
c)      Huge noise pollution
d)     Under dense city traffic wastage of fuel at signals due to idling
The futility of depending on "Fossil Fuels" has been an impetus to look for alternate solutions and energy.

On the solution side a paradigm shift towards usage of electric vehicle/ battery operated transport mechanism is on the horizon, this has brought about a lot of R&D work and demonstrable benefits (more of it later), on the energy side Renewable energy like wind, solar etc are making inroads into the established methods of power generation with evident benefits of green energy.
Hence the alternate to personnel transport could be an electrically powered vehicle
The main constraints associated with E-Bike/Scooters are
  1. Cost along with battery
  2. Range
  3. Inconvenience
  4. After sale service
  5. Power requirements

Dwelling on each of the above issues

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