Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Electric Vehicles land sea and air

Electric Vehicles - Land - Sea - Air Europe 2011
This is the world's only event that covers all forms of electric vehicles - land, sea, and air. Uniquely, it concentrates on the potentially disruptive breakthroughs in the future, to include radically new materials, components and forms.

This event provides a platform for:
  • electric vehicle manufacturers to diversify and make vehicles for many uses
  • components and subsystems suppliers to make their products available for as many vehicles as possible - land, sea and air
  • electricity suppliers, regulators, analysts and investment experts to assess the whole market while others miss most of these aspects
  • research efforts, challenges and future breakthroughs to be covered
Topics include:
  • The global picture of the whole electric vehicles market
  • EV batteries and associated technologies
  • Energy harvesting and energy storage for electric vehicles
  • What's happening in East Asia
  • Electric vehicles, markets and opportunities