Sunday, 11 October 2009

France to spend US$2.2 billion on network of electric car charging stations ( - EVHUB.BIZ News update

As France’s car-makers push their plans to increase sales and give motorists more electric and hybrid-powered vehicle choices, the French Government has added its support by announcing it intends to spend €1.5 billion (about US$2.2 billion) on creating a battery-charging network for electric vehicles across the country. Part of its spend will also go towards further encouragement of clean vehicle technology and battery manufacturing.
The government says it will also make the installation of charging stations obligatory in new apartment blocks with parking lots, starting in 2012, and office parking lots by 2015. Environment Minister Jean-Louis Borloo told a press conference that a group of public and private fleet operators has already identified a need to purchase 50,000 electric vehicles through to 2015, and the government hopes this figure could be raised to 100,000 by pooling purchasing power.

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