Sunday, 13 June 2010

Fleet operators pushing toward 'green'

If the average Joe wants to reduce his environmental impact, he might switch to a car that uses less gas or one that runs on alternative fuels.
But what would be the environmental impact if the people who operate hundreds, even thousands, of vehicles decided to do the same?
Turns out, a number of them are doing just that.
Driven in part by tougher federal and state emissions rules and in part by the recession and uncertain fuel prices, many major companies have decided it's good business to reduce the environmental impact of their fleets, industry experts say. As a result, owners of many of the nation's largest commercial fleets are experimenting with alternative-fuel vehicles.
Telecommunications giant AT&T Inc. , which is headquartered in Dallas and has the nation's largest commercial fleet with more than 77,000 vehicles, is in the early stages of a 10-year ,

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