BP's oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and the latest troubles in the Middle East could have an unexpected outcome for the auto industry: a boost for electric
vehicles (EVs).
The ecological nightmare that BP has unleashed has put the spotlight on the deep water oil drilling that for a while seemed to have peak oil theorists eating crow. Now we can all see in vivid images the cost of oil dependency: dying oil-soaked birds, choking fish and beaches covered in gooey gobs of oil.
Forget for the moment about greenhouse gases and whether or not you believe in man-made global warming. We can't easily see the effects on a daily basis anyway.
But we can see the ecological nightmare unfolding off the U.S. Gulf Coast. If this is not a horrifying example of one consequence of an oil-based economic and social order, then what is? Oil-cleanup technology has advanced a long way from the days of the Exxon Valdez disaster, but the denouement of this tragedy will still not play out for years.
read this news article @ http://www.evhub.in/news/63
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