Monday, 3 September 2012

Reduce the cost of EVs

Reduce the cost of EVs

Dear Colleague,
It is well known that until EVs attain price parity with ICE vehicles, EVs will struggle to be a viable choice for the everyday driver.
Here is an exclusive article which moves the debate beyond fuel-efficiency and emission reductions to reveal the most innovative EV technologies and companies that are currently speaking the language that drivers understand best; price reductions.
Read how OEMs are helping to reduce EV cost here:
I would be interested to know your thoughts.
Gareth Ragg
Project Director | EV Update
+ 7-9 Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX, UK
( +44 (0)20 7375 7589 | 1 800 814 3459 ext 7589 (USA Toll Free)

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